A photo of four students in a sunflower field taking a selfie.

Supporting All Students

Student Support Resources

It is important to be familiar with a number of campus resources to provide effective referrals and the departments listed below will be appropriate for most student situations. For general concerns and guidance, please visit the Student Support and Case Management website.

A list of resources based on need, which includes type of resource, department, and corresponding link. 
Type of ResourceNeedDepartmentLink
AcademicTuition AssistanceFinancial Aid & Scholarshipsfinancialaid.ku.edu
AcademicAdvisingJayhawk Academic Advisingadvising.ku.edu
AcademicAccommodationsStudent Access Centeraccess.ku.edu
AcademicTutoringWingspan: Center for Learning and Writing Supportlearningandwriting.ku.edu
AcademicEnrollment ServicesUniversity Registrarregistrar.ku.edu
AcademicEnrollment HoldsHawk Linkhawklink.ku.edu
CommunityCommunity and BelongingStudent Engagement Centerstudentengagement.ku.edu
CommunityMisconductStudent Conduct and Community Standardsstudentconduct.ku.edu
CommunityHazingStudent Conduct and Community Standardsstudentconduct.ku.edu
CommunityInterpersonal ViolenceCARE Services careservices.ku.edu
Well-beingMental Well-beingCounseling and Psychological Servicescaps.ku.edu
Well-beingMental Well-being (24/7)Telus Health Student Supportrockcha.lk/support
Well-beingHealth CoachingHealth Education Resource Officehero.ku.edu
Well-beingInjury, Illness, or Preventative CareWatkins Health Servicesstudenthealth.ku.edu
Well-beingNighttime TransportationSafeRidetransportationservices.ku.edu/saferide
Well-beingAccessible TransportationJayliftaccessibility.ku.edu/jaylift
Well-beingSubstance useHealth Education Resource Officehero.ku.edu
Financial and Food InsecurityFood InsecurityCampus Cupboardstudentengagement.ku.edu
Financial and Food InsecurityEmergency Grants & LoansEmergency Aid Networkhelp.ku.edu
Financial and Food InsecurityWinter ClothingWinter Clothing Closetstudentengagement.ku.edu
Financial and Food InsecurityGender-affirming ClothingTrans Closetstudentengagement.ku.edu
Financial and Food InsecurityBudgeting & Financial LiteracyJayhawk Financesfinancialaid.ku.edu/jayhawk-finances
Financial and Food InsecurityRefundsStudent Account Servicessar.ku.edu
ConflictCrimeKU Policekupolice.ku.edu
ConflictDiscrimination and HarassmentKU Office of Civil Rights and Title IXcivilrights.ku.edu
ConflictConcerns and Seeking GuidanceKU Ombudsombuds.ku.edu
ConflictConflict ResolutionStudent Conduct and Community Standardsstudentconduct.ku.edu
Lost ItemsLost KU IDKU Card Centerkucard.ku.edu
Lost ItemsLost & FoundKU Policekupolice.ku.edu
LegalLegal SupportLegal Services for Studentslegalservices.ku.edu
LegalTax InformationLegal Services for Studentslegalservices.ku.edu
A student using a laptop sits on a ledge on campus.

Print the Spring 2025 Resource List

The most up-to-date printable version of the Student Support Resources List is linked below. Staff and faculty- please review this list each semester to ensure the version in your Student Support Folder is accurate.

Print the List

For Staff and Faculty:

To request additional Student Support Folders for your office, to be picked up at Strong Hall Room 132, please fill out the form linked below.

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